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News and Events

Scottish Autism


Centre for Applied Autism Research

The new Centre for Applied Autism Research (CAAR) at the University of Bath was officially opened by Professor Dame Uta Frith in July this year. CAAR aims to understand autism through world-class research; to translate theory into practical applications; to fully include the community within research; and to offer an educational and research resource for autism. Research Fellow Richard Mills confirmed that one of the first projects will be a study of cybercrime and autism.

Danish Right Click

On 13th September our colleagues in Aarhaus, Denmark launched the Danish Version of our Right Click online support programme. The resource, “Autism Insight” is the latest outcome of our strengthening relationship with Ruth Lhem and her team. Over the last few years this has proved a productive collaboration for all involved. It is such a pleasure to work with likeminded people and we are delighted that the Right Click model is being adapted and used to benefit families in Denmark.

‘This is Me’ - School Refusers Project

Scottish Autism has received funding from the Scottish Government Autism Innovation Fund to work in partnership with North Lanarkshire Council to support pupils within this local authority area who are at risk of school refusal, or are recorded as a school refuser. The project, called ‘This is Me’, aims to help prevent exclusion of these pupils from mainstream schooling.



Autism West Midlands: Exploring Autism Interventions

Autism West Midlands 5th Annual Conference will take place on Monday 28th November 2016 at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham from 9am - 4pm. The theme for the conference is ‘Exploring Autism Interventions’. The keynote speaker is Bo Elven, author of ‘No Fighting, No Biting, No Screaming’. Delegates will also hear from Dr Sue Fletcher-Watson from the University of Edinburgh and Dr Elisabeth Hurley.

Topics covered on the day will include:

  • Self-control and challenging behaviour with Bo Hejlskov Elvén
  • Autism and technology with Sue Fletcher-Watson
  • Key principles for choosing an autism intervention with Elisabeth Hurley
  • A parent’s experience with Lisa Roberts

For more information and to register visit:

AT-Autism: Behaviours that Challenge

AT-Autism is hosting a half day seminar on 14th December at the Royal Society of Medicine, London from 1:30-5:30pm. The seminar will present on and discuss how the recent National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Guidance will impact on policy and practice. The keynote presentation will be given by Professor Glynis Murphy from the Tizard Centre at the University of Kent at Canterbury. She will provide an overview of the guidance and outline priorities and some of the key challenges for the field. The seminar will be chaired by Richard Mills, Research Director, Research Autism, and include a presentation from Dr Michael McCreadie.

Autism Network Scotland

Autism Network Scotland provides reliable and impartial information that connects and communicates with individuals on the autistic spectrum, their families and carers, and practitioners working in the field of autism. For forthcoming events across Scotland, please visit: