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Home > Autism Alert Card

Autism Alert Card

During the lockdown we introduced an Autism Alert Card. This was initially introduced because there was different guidance around exercise in place for autistic people, allowing autistic people to exercise more frequently if this was important for their wellbeing. We heard from the autism community however, that on occasion people were being challenged on this, causing anxiety and distress. The idea behind the alert card is for autistic people to have something they can show Police Scotland or others they may come in to contact with, to confirm they are autistic. This can also be personalised and you can add information that may help someone support you if needed whilst you are out.

If you need support to understand current Government guidance for you or someone you support then please contact and one of our advisors will help you.

Download a PDF card that you can print off and complete, or download the digital Autism Alert Card for your smartphone by completing the form below.

Please click here if you would like to request a physical Autism Alert Card be posted to you.

Your Personalised Alert Card

We have therefore created the following alert card specifically for your smartphone which allows for personalisation. It can be completed either by yourself or with the help from an advocate/carer.

Once completed this can be shown to Police Scotland or any other professional body if challenged.

We have left space to add information that might help someone support you if needed whilst you are out.

You can add as much or as little information as you are comfortable with.

You can also ask a carer or family member to complete this for you.

Please use the below form to create your own Alert Card. Once you have submitted your details, please bookmark the page displaying your personal card or screenshot it to show if questioned.

Your Details

Emergency Contact Details