Autism Advice Line
Our Advice Line is open Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, 10am - 4pm (both phone line and LiveChat), and is closed on Wednesdays and the weekends.
Please e-mail or use our online contact form and an advisor will be in touch as soon as they can. Please note that it might take slightly longer for an advisor to respond to your enquiry.
Our advice line team is made up a small number of advisors, that aim to provide an individualised response to each enquiry as quickly as possible.
Please note that the advice line is not an emergency service. For anything urgent, please consider calling your local Social Work department, NHS 24 on 111 or the Samaritans on 116 123.
Alternatively, you may also be able to find answers to your queries in our ‘Support for Families’ section of our website.
Our Services
Requests for our autism services are usually made through the Social Services of the local authority where you live. If you would like to find out more about our services please complete our online contact form.
If you are already in touch with one of our services, you will find contact details below. Please only contact a service directly if you have been in contact with them before, otherwise, please complete our online form or contact us on 01259 720044.