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Emma Stanley
My birthday is on May 14 th and I love going shopping for my birthday present with my mum. I always have done and I won’t change for no one! This...
Sarah Dickinson
SAM Radio is a radio station for autistic people, by autistic people and two of the individuals we support, Sarah and Martine, have their own shows...
Emma Stanley
I am pleased to see that Sesame Street has introduced an autistic puppet named Julia and she is a girl! Although I wasn’t diagnosed until 25 years...
Emma Stanley
Hi, I am Emma and welcome to my monthly blog. I am on the autism spectrum and was diagnosed in the year 2000 at 25 years old. I was born in England...
Scottish Autism
A Personal Perspective by Sonya Hallett “Are we going then?” My partner was again reminding me about the planned socialising I'd agreed to in...
Scottish Autism
‘This isn't a story about autism. It's a story about a young boy who happens to have autism, and there is a difference.’ My Son’s Not Rainman is the...
Sarah Dickinson
Every year, Sarah, who we support on an outreach basis, enjoys going to lots of different shows at the Fringe and has written reviews of her...
Rebecca Noble
Rebecca (left) with her sister Amy Rebecca is 15 years old and has a sister who has Asperger's Syndrome. Rebecca wrote this lovely essay on her...