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Musical fun and Christmas excitement

We started off our assembly this week with our regular mediation session and a breathing exercise. This has been a calming and relaxing way to start that pupils enjoy.

We then had everyone get up to sing and dance along to our happy song, which put a smile on all of our faces and made everyone cheerful!

Jack began our ‘Look, Listen and Speak’ by showing everyone his impressive keyboard skills with a wonderful piece of music. He also told us that he has made a book of symphonies which he is going to make available at our Christmas market this month.

Following this, Danny shared with us his story of finding his chocolate advent calendar in the morning. Some elves had sent him on a hunt for it- and he discovered it in the outdoor gym. What a wonderful way to start this festive month!

Jason then told us that he has written a book, and Jamie has been busy making Christmas cards- both of which will be made available at the Christmas market.

Plenty of Star Awards were also given out this week:

  • Dermot received an award for going to his review meeting and showing staff his artwork
  • Aidan was very helpful to his peers  in the school and set up the Wii for Holly class
  • April for being a confident individual and she ate her lunch in the courtyard with her classmates
  • Jack went out into the community this week and attended a young person’s conference as a representative for the school
  • Sam engaged  very well in learning with Claire this week and helped David when he needed it
  • David turned 15 today and we all celebrated by singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to him