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A Trip to the House of the Binns

At assembly last week, Pine Class did a presentation about their recent visit to the House of the Binns in Linlithgow. They showed photographs of their trip and we all learned that the House of the Binns is almost 400 years old. While on their trip, the class saw a big tower and a peacock in the grounds. When they got back they made a model of the tower and brightly coloured peacock pictures using feathers, which they showed to everyone at assembly.

Jamie also got up and shared some of his news at assembly – that he has now started going to Green Routes with his peers. He is really enjoying the experience and is excited to be working towards his John Muir Award.

Last week’s star awards went to:

  • Jack W for confidently joining his peers at the group table during Art and Topic this week 
  • Jack T for helping to tidy up the library
  • Kamran for engaging in his timetable this week
  • Danny for confidently recognising the full alphabet and putting it into practice
  • Ross who walked to the restaurant this week and ordered pasta for lunch
  • Kiedis for engaging in classroom learning experiences this week
  • April who attended the local shows last weekend
  • Gregor who did some excellent gardening this week

Well done everyone!