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Transition Services

At Scottish Autism, we focus on supporting autistic individuals through the whole life journey and enabling them to have fulfilling life experiences.

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Transition Services

Support when you need it most

We know that when major life changes occur, some autistic adults and their families need more time and support to prepare and adjust.






Scottish Autism provides an intensive and effective model for transition based at our two central Scotland residential services: New Ridgepark in Lanark and Clannalba near Biggar.

It is here that we can offer individuals a sustained period of assessment and support in order to build a greater understanding of the person's autism and how this impacts their life and, crucially, their future support needs.

We take a flexible approach to the design and delivery of the service recognising that each person is unique, requiring an individual support plan personalised to reflect their own goals and aspirations.

Our committed team of staff are equipped with the knowledge and skills to offer this innovative service. We work to enable each person to achieve positive and meaningful life experiences.

We welcome visits and enquiries therefore if you require any more information please do not hesitate to contact us.


Our Approach

The aim of our bespoke Transition Service is to assess an individual’s needs and build the skills and strategies required to enable them to move on to the most appropriate, sustainable and longer term setting.

Building a profile

We recognise that each person coming into our service is unique and will require an individual support plan that understands their autism as well as their strengths, motivations and goals for the future. We work closely with their family and any other professionals involved to build an individual profile and work towards meaningful outcomes.

Creating a Support Plan

The support plan will establish the desired outcomes for each individual. From here, a stimulating and engaging schedule of activities will be created to provide opportunities to develop new skills and coping strategies. Involving the individuals in the decisions that affect them is integral to our approach and so we encourage and facilitate each person to share their views and make choices for themselves.


Making Progress

Ongoing assessment is at the core of what we do in our Transition Services.

Ongoing Assessment

We undertake a constant cycle of observation, action and review in order to modify and adapt the support plan in accordance with the individual’s progress. Only by watching and listening intently can we ensure that each person is developing the essential life skills that will allow them to reach their full potential.

When it is identified that an individual is ready to move on to a more independent lifestyle, a detailed transition report is produced outlining the recommendations for a successful move.