Women and Girls Professional Resources
Please note that our Women and Girls Programme is currently under maintenance. The programme will be available to access in due course.
Autism has, up until very recently, been believed to be more common in males than in females. There is much greater awareness of girls and women now as our knowledge and understanding grow and evolve.
Our series of resources and animations have been developed from information collected through an online questionnaire, focus groups, interviews with individual practitioners and autistic women, and other recent research studies.
Each animation and associated resource summarises these findings, presenting it in a succinct and useful form for busy professionals. They contain a summary of key points with links to appropriate items within our Women and Girls online support programme and other resources, from websites, online information and books.
With thanks to Lou McGill for the animations, SWAN (Scottish Women's Autism Network) for their invaluable contribution to the research, the Scottish Government for funding, Dr Catriona Stewart for researching, compiling and writing the resources and to Rachel Birch for narration.
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