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Home > Services & Support > Support Individuals > Crisis Support > I can keep myself safe

I can keep myself safe

You may feel sometimes that that you are struggling, and are unable to cope. However, you may not feel that you are at risk of seriously harming yourself. This means you can keep yourself safe. It is still important to seek help when you need it, and to be aware of steps you can take to keep yourself well until normal services (such as your GP) resume in the morning.

You can contact a crisis line to talk about how you are feeling, even if you are not at risk to yourself. Numbers are provided at the bottom of this document.

You can access a self-help guide from NHS inform, completing this can help you start to work on the steps you can take to keep yourself well. It has guides for the following issues:

●Chronic Pain

●Obsessions and Compulsions

●Post Traumatic Stress

●Shyness and Social Phobia

●Sleep Problems

Think of three things that you normally do that can keep you well. This can be watching your favourite film, meditating, playing a video game, going for a walk. Try and use your feel-good activities to keep you well until you access support when it opens again.

You can write down how you are feeling. You can send this as an e-mail to us at Ensure you write “Urgent” in the subject line. We will get in contact with you as soon as we can in the morning and arrange a time to chat. We can provide a listening and information service to you.