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News and Events

Scottish Autism


Publications on Autism and Sight Loss

The results of Scottish Autism’s partnership working with Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) Scotland and Edinburgh Napier University on Autism and Sight Loss, has recently been published in two peer reviewed journals. ‘Autism and Visual Impairment: A Review of the Literature’ is published in the Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders and ‘Improving vision awareness in autism services: evaluation of a dedicated education programme for support practitioners’ appears in the Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities.

Shaping Autism Research Seminars

In March, Scottish Autism researchers Alastair Clarkson and Joe Long took part in the final ‘Shaping Autism Research’ seminars funded by the Economic and Social Research Council and co-convened by Research Associate Sue Fletcher-Watson. The Scottish Autism team presented our development of an inclusive survey process for people with complex communication and contributed to discussions on the promotion of participatory research. Find out more about the outcomes from the seminar series.

Sharing Knowledge

  • Joe Long and Catriona Stewart of Scottish Autism’s Centre for Practice Innovation recently presented papers at the international symposium ‘The Globalisation of Autism’ at Queen Mary University of London. The symposium was funded by the Wellcome Trust.
  • Jill Ferguson (Service Manager) and Joanna Panese (Senior Autism Practitioner) from Scottish Autism’s Central Area Services presented on practitioner research and Autism Advisor Catriona Stewart presented on the needs of autistic women and girls at the Scottish Autism Research Group’s (SARG) postgraduate workshop on 22nd April. Learn more about SARG, a cross-institution network of autism researchers in Scotland.
  • A poster on the experiences of autistic mothers, co-authored by Catriona Stewart, Joe Long, and Charlene Tait from Scottish Autism with Bonnie Aeuyung of Edinburgh University was displayed at the International Meeting for Autism Research on 10-13th May in San Francisco.



Knowledge Share
Scottish Autism’s Knowledge Share seminars are taking place in Orkney and Fife. Three topics for discussion include Personal Coping Skills & Strategies, Voice, Participation & Involvement and Relationships & Sexual Health.
Find out more about Knowledge Share and other Scottish Autism events

Autism Network Scotland
Autism Network Scotland provides reliable and impartial information that connects and communicates with individuals on the autistic spectrum, their families and carers, and practitioners working in the field of autism.
Find out more

Social Work Scotland Annual Conference and Exhibition
14th - 15th June, Crieff Hydro Hotel, Crieff
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NHS Scotland Event
20th - 21st June, Scottish Event Campus, Glasgow
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The Autism Show
30th June - 1st July, EventCity, Manchester
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Scottish Learning Festival
20th - 21st September, The Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre (SECC), Glasgow.
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