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Home > About Autism > Share Magazine

Share Magazine

Share is our online magazine and one of the ways in which we communicate the work of our Centre for Practice Innovation. Here you will find an eclectic mix of features, case studies and opinion pieces.

Dr Carrie Ballantyne, Lecturer
It is not uncommon for an autistic person to come into contact with the criminal justice system, either as a victim of crime or a suspect. However, a...
Holly Sutherland, Phd Candidate
Since the Centre for Practice Innovation was founded in 2014, Scottish Autism has been building a number of research collaborations with university...
Dr Rebecca Wood, Senior Lecturer
In April 2022 a new book, Learning From Autistic Teachers: How to Be a Neurodiversity-Inclusive School, will be published by Jessica Kingsley...
Joseph Long
Dinah Murray 1946 - 2021 In July of last year we, at Scottish Autism, were saddened to learn of the death of Dr Dinah Murray, an energetic and fierce...
Dr Amy Pearson, Senior Lecturer at the University of Sunderland
Masking in autistic people (also called camouflaging by researchers) is increasingly gaining attention, but it is something that autistic people had...
Georgia Pavlopoulou, Jon Adams and Briony Campbell
The Imposter's Syndrome by Jon Adams Autistic people face unique challenges and opportunities to socially connect to others, and to form...
Rachel Birch, Service Manager
Scottish Autism has gone through a number of transformations over the years, as our understanding of autism and the needs of autistic people in...
Alex Dafalla
Alex contacted Scottish Autism earlier this year, keen to share his experiences of finding and sustaining work. Here he answers questions from Joe...