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Services and Support

We provide a wide range of support services across Scotland for autistic individuals, their families and professionals.

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We provide a wide range of flexible and innovative support services for children and adults across Scotland, each with a focus on improving quality of life. Central to this is recognising that each person has a unique set of needs. We create personalised support plans which are based on an individual’s own strengths and motivations and on achieving outcomes which are meaningful to them.

Search for a type of service using the tabs below to see where it is offered.

Please note that it is sometimes possible to access a service in a different local authority to the one you live in. We also have a number of national services which are accessed by individuals from all over Scotland. If we don’t currently have a service in your area, please do contact us to discuss your needs as we may still be able to provide support or signpost you to other services we know of.

Download the Service Referral form.

Autism Advice

Our usual Advice Line opening hours are Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, from 10am - 4pm (both phone line and LiveChat). It is closed on Wednesdays and at weekends.

Call 01259 222022 or 


You can also use our online contact form and an advisor will be in touch in as soon as they can.

Please note that currently it might take slightly longer than normal for an advisor to respond to your enquiry.

Our support team is made up a small number of advisors, that aim to provide an individualised response to each enquiry as quickly as possible.  

Please note that the advice line is not an emergency service. For anything urgent, please consider calling your local Social Work department, NHS 24 on 111 or the Samaritans on 116 123.

Alternatively, you may also be able to find answers to your queries in our ‘Support for Families’ section of our website.

One Stop Shop

Funded by Fife's Health and Social Care Partnership, our One Stop Shop in Kirkcaldy gives people with autism, their families and professionals information and advice about autism as well as the kinds of support services that are available in the area and how to access them. As well as acting as an information hub, the One Stop Shop works closely with other groups and agencies, collaborating to understand and respond to the needs of the autism community.

Read more about our Fife One Stop Shop.

We currently deliver this service in: 
  • Fife

Fill out the Service Enquiries form


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Autism Advice Line