Understanding Asperger's Syndrome
Charlene Tait
Last month, some of our staff attended a special screening of two short films which were created by the PLUS (Forth Valley) AM3 group.
The AM3 group consists of young people aged 12- 17 who have Asperger’s Syndrome. The group come together every fortnight and take part in a range of activities such as going to the cinema, eating out and learning about internet safety. Keen to raise awareness and understanding of Asperger’s Syndrome, last year the group decided to undertake an ambitious and creative project.
Teaming up with Fixers, a national charity that supports young people to tackle issues that matter to them, the group came up with the idea of creating two short films. The films give an insight into how young people with Asperger’s think, how they understand things and the thought processes they go through.
Being Clear on Metaphors
This is a short animation about how young people with Asperger’s understand some of the everyday metaphors.
Speaking about this film, group member, Euan said: “We wanted the film to be tongue-in-cheek, but at the same time make a serious point, particularly when talking to other people.”
The Jigsaw
How do people with Asperger’s piece the world together? This short film will help us understand some of the thought process that those involved use.
Speaking about this film group member Angus said: “The aim behind our film is to stop others from judging people with Asperger’s and give us a chance. If you are finding it difficult to communicate with someone who has Asperger’s don’t dismiss them. Just get to know them better.”
Our staff really enjoyed watching the films and the Q & A session with the filmmakers that followed. It is so important that we keep striving to raise awareness of autism and we commend the AM3 group for doing just this.
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